Projects and Data
Visualizing the life cycle of fertility and metabolic health.
Puberty and Birth Control
What if you could anticipate your first period and decipher your reaction to birth control - just from your body temperature? Publication and Data.
Puberty "In the Wild"
Can we use body temperature to track puberty in natural settings - and is it worth studying in teens? We think so. Preprint and Data.
The hourly ebb and flow of heart rate variability (HRV) and body temperature predict an essential component of female fertility - the LH surge. Even in irregular cycles. Publication and Data.
I hope that some day soon, people can know that egg has met sperm within a few days of sex. These very *preliminary* results are in press. 1 questionnaire. >1000 replies in 72 h. These are the first 30 pregnancies.
From Labor to Parenthood
Networked interactions among moms' & babies' hormones, nervous systems, and emotions might enable tools & tracking for the entire transition to parenthood. Publication.
When will the baby come? The error of due dates is currently measured in weeks - not days, and "maternity care deserts" are rapidly spreading in the U.S. But dropping body temperature signal labor in over a dozen mammalian species - so why not us? Thanks to the fantastic Erickson Lab, Publication forthcoming.
Menopausal Rhythms
Menopausal people are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce - representing over 20% of workers in the U.S. It's the time at which we can hit the peak of our careers and enjoy the families we have grown. So why know so little about how this process is going to affect each of us - and why is static bioidentical hormone replacement therapy still the standard for our rhythmic physiology? Publication and Data.
Symptom Clustering from Fertility to Menopause
There's much more to female symptomology than PMS or hot flashes. Looking at the full picture with self-collected symptom data from >20,000 women. Look out for a publication with these everlasting-gobstopper symptom networks in prep.
Continuous Glucose: What's Healthy and What's Normal?
Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) took the non-diabetic world by storm - but before healthy glucose patterns were understood. This leaves everyday people wondering... what's normal? What do healthy continuous glucose dynamics look like, how do they age, and which patterns are not yet recapitulated by therapies for type-1-diabetes? In review and in prep.
Toward Continuous Hormone Replacement: Learning from Type 1 Diabetes
Artificial pancreas systems take continuous glucose input and use it to determine precise, rapid insulin injection rate. Studying the performance and dynamics of these systems lays the early foundation for other kinds of continuous hormone replacement. Publication and Data.
Blood Testers: Participant-Led Investigation of Lipid Rhythms
We brought together a team of self-trackers from diverse backgrounds to test out a new kind of Participant-Led Research. We each asked our own questions, and we all answered a group question.
Participants = researchers = data analysts. Publication and Data.
How Does Informed Consent Work in Participant-Led Research?
What happens to informed consent when you're consenting to do research on...yourself? What about yourself as part of a group? What if you're outside a university? Is self-consent entirely tongue-in-cheek? Publication and Data.
Rhythmic Structure of Male and Female Body Temperature
A first foray into how the structure of within-a-day and daily rhythms in body temperature differ between males and females. Plot adapted from: Publication and Data.
Jetlag During Pregnancy Impacts the Next Generation
Light at night, night shifts, and frequent travel have been with us for generations. When pregnant mice are chronically jetlagged, their offspring come out small, anxious, and fixative. Sound familiar? Plot adapted from: Publication and Data.