Google Scholar. Updated 9/1/2023
Aras S, Grant AD, Konhilas J. Feasibility of capturing the impact of a probiotic on menopausal symptom relief using a smartphone health tracking application. In prep.
Basavaraj C*, Grant AD*, Aras S, Erickson EN. Time Before Delivery: a deep learning model based on continuous temperature measurement for predicting labor onset. In prep. *Indicates co-lead author.
Grant AD, Lewis DM, Liebrand S, Carey S, Lavine J, Kriegsfeld LJ, Sittler T, D’Agostino DP. High frequency features of continuous blood glucose predict clinical features of metabolic health. In prep.
Grant AD, Jaswa EG. Precision in Language Matters: Ovulation and the Luteinizing Hormone Surge are Temporally Distinct Events in Women. In prep.
Erfe MC, Oliver PL, Armenouhi K, Grant AD, Yoon R, Tan B, Craft N, Patel P. Combined Effects of Prunus Cerasus (Montmorency Tart Cherry) and Apocynum Venetum (Venetron®) On Sleep and Anxiety in Adults with Insomnia. Submitted.
Grant AD*, Aras SG*, Konhilas JP. Network Analysis of >145,000 Symptom Logs Reveals Distinct Pre, Peri, and Menopausal Phenotypes. In review. *Indicates co-lead author.
Shiver L, Serino S, Chandran N, Thomas N, Walson F, Bellidos C, Koutnik A, Rancourt D, Grant AD, D’Agostino DP. Continuous glucose monitoring in non-diabetic populations: a scoping review. Cell Reports Medicine. In Review.
Grant AD, Kriegsfeld LJ. Neural substrates underlying rhythmic coupling of female reproductive and thermoregulatory circuits. Frontiers in Physiology. September 2023.
Grant AD, Kriegsfeld LJ. Continuous body temperature as a window into adolescent development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. February 2023.
Grant AD, Upton T, Terry JR, Smarr B, Zavala E. Analysis of Hormonal and Wearable Data in Endocrine and Metabolic Research. Current Opinions in Endo. and Metab. Research: Mathematical Modeling of Endocrine Systems. July 2022.
Grant AD, Smarr BS. Feasibility of Continuous Distal Body Temperature for Passive, Early Pregnancy Detection. PLOS Digital Health. May 2022.
Grant AD, Wilbrecht L, Kriegsfeld LJ. Adolescent Development of Biological Rhythms and Sex Differences in a Naturalistic Environment. Journal of Biological Rhythms. May 2022.
Grant AD, Erickson EN. Birth, love, and fear: Physiological networks from pregnancy to parenthood. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology. April 2022.
Grant AD, Wilbrecht L, Kriegsfeld LJ. Female Adolescent Development of Biological Rhythms in Continuous Body Temperature: Estradiol Dependence and Effects of Contraception. Frontiers in Physiology. October 2021.
Grant AD, Lewis DM, Kriegsfeld LJ. Multi-Timescale Rhythmicity of Blood Glucose and Insulin Delivery Reveals Key Advantages of Hybrid Closed Loop Therapy. Diabetes, Science, and Technology. March 2021.
Grant AD, Newman M, Kriegsfeld LJ. Ultradian Rhythms in Heart Rate Variability and Distal Body Temperature Anticipate the Luteinizing Hormone Surge Onset. Nature Scientific Reports. November 2020.
Grant AD, Wolf G. Lipids Cross Risk Categories on Short Timescales in Free-Living Humans: A Participant-Led Study. Journal of Circadian Rhythms. May 2019.
Grant AD, Wolf G, Nebeker C. Approaches to Governance of Participant-Led Research: A Case Study. BMJ Open. April 2019.
Grant AD, Wilsterman K, Smarr B, Kriegsfeld LJ. Evidence for a Coupled Oscillator Model of Endocrine Ultradian Rhythms. Journal of Biological Rhythms. August 2018.
Smarr B, Grant AD, Perez L, Zucker, I, Kriegsfeld LJ, Maternal and Early Life Circadian Disruption Have Long-Lasting Negative Consequences on Offspring Development and Adult Behavior in Mice. Nature Scientific Reports. June 2017.
Smarr B, Grant AD, Zucker I, Prendergast BJ, Kriegsfeld LJ. Sex Differences in Variability Across Timescales in BALB/c mice. Biology of Sex Differences. February 2017.
Lewis DM*, Grant AD*, Kriegsfeld LJ. “Multi-Timescale Interactions of Glucose and Insulin in Type-1 Diabetes Reveal Benefits of Hybrid Closed-Loop Systems”. American Diabetes Association, Abstract, 2020 annual meeting, Virtual.
Lewis DM, Grant AD*, “Preliminary Characterization of Multi-Timescale Biological Rhythms in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes”. American Diabetes Association, Abstract, 2019 annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Grant AD, de Groot M, Smarr B, Wolf G, Kriegsfeld LJ. “Self-Collected Skin Temperature, Glucose, and Cholesterol Characterize Jetlag in the Quantified Self Community.” Society for Research in Biological Rhythms. Abstract, 2018 biennial meeting, Amelia Island, FL.
Grant AD, Wilsterman K, Smarr B, Kriegsfeld LJ. “Coordination Among Ultradian Endocrine Rhythms.” Honors Thesis Symposium. Abstract, 2016, Berkeley, CA.
Grant AD, Smarr B, Perez L, Kriegsfeld LJ. “Behavioral and Neurological Effects of Developmental Circadian Disruption.” Amgen Scholars Symposium. Abstract, 2016, Berkeley, CA.
Grant AD, Smarr B, Kriegsfeld LJ. “Wavelet Analysis Reveals Sex Differences in Temperature and Activity Rhythms.” Society for Research in Biological Rhythms. Abstract, 2016 biennial meeting, Palm Harbor, FL.
White Papers
Reproductive Health and Participatory Research, Grant AD, 2020-2021. Proposal for research and product development in reproductive health. This program includes users in every aspect of the discovery process and creates collaboration among clinical, academic, private, and citizen stakeholders.
Oura Temperature Sensor Validation and Participatory Research Pilot. Grant AD, Kryder C, Davis N, Kent S, Aschbacher K, 2020. Designed and managed project, analyzed data, lead-authored report & piloted a process for participatory research and sensor validation.
Design and Implementation of Participant-Led Research in the Quantified Self Community, Grant AD, Wolf G, 2019. Extensively mapped process for successful implementation of Participant-Led Research within a self-tracking community. Focused on the QS Blood Testers Project.